Meeting Writing Deadlines
I did not have the time to write a blog post last week, I was so busy with other writing projects. I had several small writing projects all based on travel to cities in China, these were fun to do and completed quickly. I also have a long term project that should become an e-book later (50 things to do in Wuhan), it should be about 7500 words when completed and I hope to complete that during this week.
The project that kept me so busy was given to me last Monday and I was required to write 20 articles, each of at least 500 words and it had to be completed by Saturday. In addition to the writing I had to provide a link to a photograph that could be connected to each section of each article. So if the article was the best 12 cities in Austria, I had to provide 12 links, one for each city, and repeat the process for each article. It kept me very busy, gave me a few headaches but I managed to complete on time, and most articles were way over 500 words, it was almost impossible to make them any shorter.
Yesterday (Sunday) was my first relaxed day for quite a while. I still managed to fit in two articles though. They were two personal experiences, one over a dispute between a landlady and my employer that I was caught up in the middle of shortly after arriving in China, the second was about the events surrounding the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan province in 2008.
Also yesterday I was invited to attend an English corner here in Yingtan, until I was asked I was not aware that one existed here. I went along and it was fun, but lasted a lot longer than the projected one hour. They want to do an interview with me that will be shown on TV, which will be an interesting experience. Now I must get back to writing, I have more deadlines to meet.
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