An Ex-Pat Living in China
An Englishman's view to life in China
Confucianism and Filial Piety
Confucius (孔夫子 Kǒng fūzǐ) was born in 551BC, he was born into a time of great instability in a region that would later become China. He had wanted to become a high ranking minister of the then national government, but his failure to achieve that led him to analyze and write his findings on the rules of society and behavior. He proposed a system of virtue, of showing respect towards others, respecting others in society regardless of their position and focusing on a system of principles. His philosophies are still held strongly today across much of eastern Asia, and were used to develop the religious beliefs such as Taoism.
Confucianism is the name given to the philosophy that has helped to shape the Chinese culture for almost 2500 years. One important element of Confucianism within family life is filial piety (孝, xiào) it is to show respect to your parents and your ancestors, known as the Classic of Xiao or Xiao Jing, it was first written as a conversation between Confucious and his student Zeng Shen.
Filial Piety
It refers to general obedience, or to always obey your parents, to be good to them and to take care of them in their old age. To be engaged in good conduct outside your home (as well as within) so as to keep a good name for your family and its ancestors. Filial piety also requires one to fulfill the duties of your job to be able to support your parents, to not be rebellious, to show your love, support and respect while displaying courtesy at all times. You are expected to provide male heirs, be fraternal among your brothers while advising your parents wisely. You should dissuade others from taking part in any form of moral unrighteousness or blindly following your parent’s wishes on anything that is not considered to be xiao or conforming to filial piety. Filial piety requires that you display sorrow whenever your parents suffer sickness or at the time of their death as well as complete sacrifices to the gods after the deaths of your parents.
Ancestor Worship
Although this set of rules were written more than 2500 years ago, the beliefs of Confucianism are ingrained into the Chinese culture and affect the families and their relationships as strongly today as they have over the preceding centuries. One of the most noticeable aspects of this is through the worshipping of one’s ancestors. This practice includes the burning of incense and making offerings to the deceased of food or other items they may require in the afterlife such as a toothbrush or slippers. Paper money (imitation, not real) is often burnt as an offering during these ceremonies.