10 Reasons Why I Like Living in China (part 2)
2/quality of life as I wrote in the previous section, prior to coming to
China I worked hard but had little free time or money for a good social life. Now that has completely changed around, I have so much free time and the everyday things in life are so affordable. It is usually a case of what shall we do and not can we afford to do something. I cannot use sites such as face book or twitter, they are blocked here, but I do use the equivalent Chinese social networking sites and have a wide range of friends both Chinese and from many other countries around the world. I know some ex-pats here in China that only go to western style bars, eat western style food etc. That is not for me, I prefer to integrate into the local lifestyle here and because of that I have so many Chinese friends and a good quality of life.
3/travel I love to travel and discover new places, particularly if those places are away from the usually visited tourist traps. Some of the places I have visited in China, the locals had never seen a westerner and many places are largely unknown to the majority of the Chinese. Sometimes just getting on a local bus and hoping it will take you to your right destination is an adventure in itself, particularly if you don’t speak the local language and nobody around you speaks yours.